Accessible To You And Informing You Along The Way
Over the years, clients have put their confidence in Miele & Rymsza, P.C. to defend their rights against federal and state criminal charges. When you choose us to represent you, you always have direct access to your attorney. We strive to make sure our clients understand all of their legal options and make informed decisions at all times.

Experienced Local Counsel
Can Be Essential To Your Case
As part of your criminal defense, Miele & Rymsza, P.C. offers top-notch local counsel services. Our firm has extensive practice in state court in multiple counties in northeastern and Central Pennsylvania as well as the Federal Courts in the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Meet Our Attorney
Edward J. Rymsza is the Past Chair of the Federal Bar Association’s Criminal Law Section, serves as a member of the Defender Services Advisory Group to the U.S. Courts’ Committee on Defender Services, and is the Criminal Justice Act Panel Representative for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, as well as a member of the Middle District’s Lawyers’ Advisory Committee.
Handling Cases In Northeast And Central Pennsylvania, Mr. Rymsza Also Represents Clients Nationwide

Experienced To Negotiate
For You At Pretrial And Defend Your Rights At Trial
We skillfully and zealously defend our clients and protect their rights at every stage of the criminal process. When it is in a client’s best interest, we use our experience and knowledge of the law to negotiate reduced charges in criminal cases. However, we are always prepared to argue a case in court and fight for you when a pretrial agreement does not make sense.