There were 16 people taken into custody at a sobriety checkpoint in York County on Nov. 23. The checkpoint took place at the business loop of Interstate 83. While the majority were taken into custody for DUI, police say that they found meth and drug packing materials in one of the vehicles. They also said that there was a stolen gun found and that one person was found with five grams of marijuana.
An individual who was taken into custody for DUI at the checkpoint was arrested again three hours after being released. The checkpoints were announced ahead of time and were also conducted in Adams and Lancaster counties. In 2017, there were 4,509 accidents during the Thanksgiving season, and 26 people lost their lives during that same time period. This was according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Whether a person is driving under the influence of drink or drugs, they could be charged with DUI. Those who are convicted could be sent to jail or prison. It is also possible to lose a driver’s license either temporarily or permanently, which could make it difficult to get to work, school or social events. Furthermore, a license could be suspended for refusing a breath test.
The extent of the penalties a person will face could depend on the facts of the case as well as that person’s history. Hiring an attorney could make it easier to get a favorable outcome in a case. Legal counsel could argue that a checkpoint was not conducted legally or that an individual was not under the influence of any illegal substance when it was conducted. This may result in a case being dismissed or a plea bargain reached.