Facing any criminal charge is always a serious matter. The situation requires that you accept what is happening to you and take immediate measures to defend yourself. You may understand that a proper criminal defense can protect you from the most severe consequences of the allegations, but do you know that such a defense is also your right under the United States Constitution?
Among its many functions, the Constitution is designed to give everyone a certain set of protections — and expectations — for what can happen if they’re accused of a crime.
Whether you are facing first-time DUI charges or more serious charges like assault or homicide, we think everyone should know their rights as an American citizen. To help you learn, we offer the following list of some of your most important rights.
The right to remain silent under official questioning so as not to incriminate yourself
The right to be held innocent until it is proven otherwise in court
The right to legal representation by a competent lawyer
The right to a speedy trial before a jury of your peers
The right to confront those who have accused you of a crime
The right to equal treatment by a court and the law
We believe that knowing and understanding your constitutional rights helps lay a solid foundation upon which to build an effective criminal defense. Forming a partnership with your lawyer works best when you both understand your role and work together towards a favorable outcome.
We invite you to learn more about your criminal defense options in the face of serious allegations. You can do so by continuing to read our web content or by reaching out to our staff.