Drunk driving charges are serious criminal charges and grow more serious as accused individuals face repeated DUI charges. Because of the potentially harsh penalties accused individuals are facing, it is important to know how to handle DUI charges when facing them and how criminal defense protections can help.
Accused individuals facing a first DUI charge may face penalties and consequences including a diversion program, fines and probation. Just as the potential penalties and consequences the accused individual is facing depends on their unique situation and circumstances, so does the best criminal defense approach for their unique situation and circumstances.
As an accused individual faces additional DUI charges, they may face increasingly harsh penalties and consequences in Pennsylvania. A second DUI charge can result in a mandatory minimum of 5, 30 or 90 days in jail and the maximum penalty that can be up to 5 years in prison. A third DUI charge can result in a mandatory minimum of one year in prison and a maximum penalty of up to 5 years in prison. A DUI charge that includes aggravating circumstances can potentially range from 3 years in prison to 20 years in prison.
Criminal defense options allow accused individuals the opportunity to challenge the criminal charges they are facing, including charges related to accusations and allegations of driving under the influence. There are a variety of options to evaluate when deciding on a criminal defense strategy and the best approach for the accused individual’s situation which is something trained guidance can help them with.